Sunday, August 31, 2014

Introduction - What is a Money Jar?

The word 'save' or 'saving' is really not new to us, most of us when we were kids used to have a coin or piggy bank in all sorts of colors and shapes - like Mr. Piggy Bank, Mr. Bamboo and Mr. Pringles. We excitedly insert a coin and when we hear that "ting"sound, we ask for another coin or get the coin back and insert it again. When it gets full (thanks to our parents) we smash Mr. Piggy and happily buy something we want for Christmas or birthday. 

If you were able to continue this until now, then I congratulate you for keeping it up. But if not, then  I congratulate you too because you are thinking of saving again. Do you know that there is a right way of saving and a wrong way of saving? It's not just about putting loose coins, it's about how you manage your money and how to make it a habit.

The Money Jars are just simple ways on how to help you to get started through the money management system. Unlike the piggy bank system where you put all your money in one (1) place, money jars system would require more than 3 jars depending on what you need. Each money jar has a purpose which will be discussed in this blog. It's not just setting aside money but you have to know the purpose, how to make it a habit and have the correct mindset to build not only your savings but more importantly your wealth.